“Oh I can’t do that!” Have you ever said that either to yourself or out loud to others? You are sabotaging your own desires!! The next time that you find yourself doing this stop and think…. “how much do I want to do that? Why do I think that I can’t do it. Is it because I have never done it before? Is it because I think that I will fail?” I challenge you Do Not Do That To Your Dreams. Grit your teeth and try it even if failure is your first outcome. Then try it again and again if necessary.
I just returned from a wonderful workshop in Pueblo Co. It was presented by “Art in the Aspens”. Kim English was the instructor. As we drove to Pueblo, I got more and more nervous that I was totally wasting my time and money; that I would make a fool of myself and on and on. I have to say that I was challenged by the workshop, but I learned a lot. Kim was very good at individualizing his instructions. He was quick to pick up on my weaknesses and strengths and guided me to improving. I have had many years of courses in art. I do know a lot about painting and art, but I find that I am having the most fun when I am challenging myself, trying new things. My painting does not thrive on routine and the predictable, but rather the new and the untried.
The brain’s plasticity—the ability to adapt, is enhanced by challenges. The more the brain is challenged, the greater the brain’s communication pathways are increased in numbers and improve in efficiency. So next time you are timid about trying something new, grit your teeth and go for it….grow for it. Susan.
P.S Check out the web site www.tylerstudio.org over the next month. I will be posting Randall Cogburn’s work, the featured artist at Tyler Studio for November. Randall will be a permanent artist at Tyler Studio, either check out www.tylerstudio.org or drop by the Studio. Also I will be posting some of my new work as influenced by Kim English.